It’s all about Grip strength
It’s all about Grip strength

It’s all about Grip strength

PAX:Popeye, FracSac, RevSox, Kuch, Highrise,

After the long Mardi Gras season, I think everyone in NOLA is a bit off their game the day after Fat Tuesday….but 5 PAX strong showed up on a cold Ash Wednesday to kick start our morning. Answering the call to fill in for Hawg I showed up with only a minimal plan in mind….we weren’t going to get wet!

Warm – mosey to the covered pavilion circle up and get the blood flowing.

  • 10 Greg Louganis 
  • 10 low slow squat
  • 10 side lung
  • 20 SSH
  • 10 ea leg scorpion kick 
  • 10 

Move over to the railing 10 each leg step ups

Mosey to the center of the park area, circle up for push up ring of fire x 5 then mosey along the running path, stopped at street crossing 5 burpees on your own.  Mosey to the outdoor gym near W. Napoleon.  QIC has been reading the Iron Sharpens Iron chatter and this month Triple Shift has made an emphasis of “grip strength” by performing a Flexed Arm Hang – we started with a 1 minute effort; taking a 1 minute rest then 4 30 sec hangs with 20-30 sec reset in between.  A lot tougher than it may sound, so if you haven’t made an effort to grip the bar yet…..get some!

Then…While at the gym we broke up into 5 stations – 5 low hang pull ups was the timer, incline merkins, box jumps, dips and elevated leg lifts (again this was harder than it looked).

Mosey up the running track to the edge of the lake – lined up for some core work: 20 flutter kicks, 10 scoops, 20 more elevated flutter kicks on elbows.

Mosey back towards the gym, lined up on the side of the track, line of jump squats x 5 x 5.  Rev Sox helped move this along.

Mosey back towards the start….Oh QIC decided Indian run was best but didn’t communicate completely……It got worked out, last man did 3 push ups then ran to the front and so on.

Stopped at parking lot, found some measuring points (parking spaces) lunged to one side of parking area performed 10 merkins, bear crawled back did 5 burpees.

Mosey again – stopped at light poles (3 were in a row before crossing the bridge to the starting point) 10 merkins, 10 jump squats, 10 Catalina Wine Mixers.

Mosey again – well to the bottom of the bridge – lunged walk up and over.

Meet at the edge of the lake – another push up ring of fire except this time it was a catch me if you can around the outer parameter of the pavilion.  Kuch put up a good push which got everyone else behind him motivated. 

Mosey to the starting point – 2 minutes of plank.

COT – We push our selves to improve both physically and spiritually as solid men that lead.  I’m blessed to have been given the chance to be in a position today to be a part of the Popeyes PAX….Thanks.