Renaissance 2019-09-01
Renaissance 2019-09-01

Renaissance 2019-09-01

Another excellent morning out at the Renaissance. Attendees were as follows: Catfish (Q), Fracsac, Hokey Pokey, Gideon, Abacus, Beloq, DJ Diver (Canine)

Started in front of the museum with a long side straddle to get the blood flowing, then busted right into a series of Body Bag Builders (8-count body builder plus a mountain climber; see the Exicon for details). Followed this with a series of 3 laps around the museum, with the following exercises between each lap: 25 burpees, 50 merkins, 75 jump squats, then LBCs waiting for the 6.

Went over to the museum wall. Did a set of donkey kicks, then Ascending Testicles (feet on wall, 10 merkins @ 15 degrees, 10 merkins @ 45 degrees, 10 merkins @ balls to wall)

Moseyed to the Foundry. Did a six-minute exercise series with the following (one minute each) – hang, snake jump, squats, pull ups, dips, merkins. Followed with a little side straddle to keep the heart rate up, then went to faces for peter parkers and a plank hold.

Moseyed back to the museum. Dropped to faces for catalina wine mixers, then went to fountain to finish with box jumps (in cadence).

Finished with COT, named the new FND “DJ Diver”, since he took a dive into the fountain in front of the museum. Thanks to all PAX who attended. See you again next weekend @ Mothership.


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