Vincent Price in a trash can?
Vincent Price in a trash can?

Vincent Price in a trash can?

QIC:Reluctant Yankee
PAX:Reluctant Yankee(QIC), Mulligan, Willie, Peaches, Angie's List, Bartman, Peppa, El Wire, King Kong, Sandbar, Quarterpipe, Bacchus, Tinkles, Squeal, Rudy, Hepburn, Chiquita, Landing Strip, Brushburn

Still high from the UGA victory over Notre Dame – I took the MONDAY am SKINNY Q at Audubon Park. Organ Grinder was signed up by Douille but was blocked by a previous engagement. So I took the Q.

A cool 75 degrees and the first day of Fall to start this Skinny.

Ran to the soccer field. El Wire spotted some great GLOOM. Like really great gloom. There were thriller references, and some concern that Vincent Price was chilling in the trash. Had to teach the PAX who is Vincent Price.

Warm up SSX x20, Imperial Walker Squats x 20, Mtn Climbers x 20, and Dying Bugs x 20 – looking at the sky – pointed out some stars for the PAX.

Flamingo Shit Smell on the way in. Lots of smells today.

We mosey’d to the river view at the FLY. Here we did 50 Monkey Humpers OYO, then we lunge walked to the road. Another great GLOOM session. HORSESHIT SMELL.

Mosey’d to the HILL. At the Hill – we did 20 Plank Jacks, then 18 Shoulder Taps, 16 plank jacks, 14 shoulder taps, 12 plank jacks .etc crossing the hill back and forth. The HILL had a nice gloom too. RHINO SHIT SMELL

In the middle of the soccer field we circled up for single legs hip thrusts, and low country crab x 20 GIRAFFE SHIT SMELL

Then we indian ran to the other side of the FLY. Only 3 dudes got through the indian run – not sure what the hell happened there. DOGSHIT SMELL

We ran fast to the Labrynth. There we did 20 dips IC, 15 bulgarian split lunges left, 20 inclined merks, and 20 bulgarian splits right.

Then on our 6 for 20 russian twists, 15 roaches, 15 LBTs and 15 Vups. (Led by Peach, Angie, Qpipe and ElWire


Then we ran back to the flag and closed out with a COT.