In the Books
In the Books

In the Books

PAX:Barely Legal, Butt Paste, Cowbell, Garfield, Grundy, Hammer, Jose 10k, Mick, Moby Dick, Shooter, Sparky, Speedy Gonzalez, Steve, Tanked Up!, Toto, TurboTax, Waterpik and Zoolander with a coffeeteria cameo from The Manny

The 2019 Iron PAX Challenge is now in the books for the F3 Northshore PAX. T claps to F3 Greenwood for throwing the challenge out to the F3 Nation and keeping so many men across so many regions working hard and engaged for an entire month. The beat downs have been epic, and there is something really positive and rewarding about overcoming physical and mental challenges throughout the course of a month. Monday sees the return of our regularly scheduled program at the Milestone Marsh.

After a combined warmup of 15x IC of Seal Jacks, Mountain Climbers, Windmills, Butt Kicks, Merkins, OH Hand Claps, and SSHs, the PAX split with Grundy taking the IPC PAX westward and YHC taking the non-IPC PAX eastward.

The eastward bound PAX circled up across from Rips for some Peter Parkers and Parker Peters, 15x IC, and then made their way to the Rips stairs for 5 minutes AMARP of 10x regular Rocky Balboas, 10x lateral Rocky Balboas, and a trip up and over the stairs. Then it was time to mosey down to the Harbor playground for fun and games.

YHC deployed some cones and balls from his backpack and engaged the PAX in a passing game with increasing levels of difficulty. We started bounce passing the ball to one another in a predetermined order within the confines of the paint (an area otherwise known as the spash pad and usually occupied by wet and screaming rug rats). Every dropped pass earned the PAX a penalty exercise of 5 burpees, Bobby Hurleys, Bonnie Blairs (hair of the dog), Merkins or I’m a Star Jumps. Proficiency ensued and so the PAX advanced to Level 2 where a trip out of the paint and around a cone was required after passing and before receiving the next pass. The game continued with increasing levels of difficulty and at the very end, before our Indian Run back to the Shovel Flag, the PAX returned to Level 1 and impressed themselves with their passing and communication prowess. Forty minutes of honing skills paid dividends.

Countorama, nameorama and then over to the coffeeteria after reuniting with our worse for the wear looking IPC brothers.

Thanks for letting me lead guys and congrats to all of you who participated in the IPC. You are all better men than you were 4 weeks ago.