The Loop
The Loop

The Loop

PAX:Boo-Boo, Disclaimer, Hokie Pokey, War Eagle, Hawgcycle


Overcast, 66 F, Feels like 67 F, Humidty 97%, Wind 5mph from SSE

The Thang

Run the two mile loop around Lafreniere stopping for occasional Circles of Pain

  • COP 1 – SSH x 20; Imperial Walkers x 20; Copperhead Squats x 20; Peter Parkers x 20; Windmills x 10
  • COP 2 – Bear Crawl 150 yards.  Turn around, 40 lunges, Forward Crabwalk as far as you can, Bear Crawl what’s left of the 150 yards back to the start.
  • COP 3 – Outdoor Gym.  Bernie Sanders (L-hang on the rings as long as you can).  Do 10 squats, then dead hang as long as you can.  10 more squats. 
  • COP 4 – Little Baby Crunches x 20
  • Along the way we stopped to do 10 Merkins in cadence as we waited for the 6.  Did 4 sets.


  • After the bear crawls War Eagle let it be known that he believes I come up with my Qs on the drive to the AO.  Seemed like an insult.  I assured him nothing could be farther from the truth. 
  • Upon hearing that we were going to run the two mile lap, Hokie peeled off to work out solo at the outdoor gym.  He’s been dealing with knee pain and just received a cortisone shot.
  • I had a tough time coming up with a plan for this Q.  On the drive to the AO was when it hit me, let’s try to complete the loop.  Once I heard about Hokie’s cortisone shot, I should have modified my plan, but I didn’t.  That was a Q fail on my part.  It bothered me for the rest of the workout.
  • Luckily, things worked out.  The Disclaimer was late and hooked up with Hokie and they worked out together.  Still doesn’t excuse my poor leadership, but I’m glad it worked out.