Strength in Numbers?
Strength in Numbers?

Strength in Numbers?

PAX:High Rise, Catfish, Jesus Juice

Four PAX at LCM in City Park for another Monday Swolefest with hopes to hone the physique and sweat out the weekend impurities. Good to see JJ back in the mix the last few weeks, and good to see a couple others that didn’t succumb to the fartsack that seems to be plaguing many of our brethren. A last minute Q vacancy presented itself so YHC threw something together to test out the strength-in-numbers theory, and see how close to 1000 reps we could get with various block and non-block exercises. Here’s what we did:

Warmup: SSH, WM, GG, AC, Toy Soilders, Squats LS & Side Lunge

The Thang: Repetitive rounds of 10 exercises, x30ea in first round, x25ea in second, x20ea….

1)Thruster w/ block

2) Roach Press (combo of a dying cockroach and a chest press)

3)Curls (mixed grip)

4)RL Stepups


6)LL Stepups

7)Block Swings

8)Wildcard (Catfish – alt lunges w/block)

9)Wildcard (High Rise – Tricep Extensions)

10)Wildcard (Jesus Juice – Side leans w/block)

Second round included all of the above and switched the wildcards to front rows, leg lifts, and Bonnie Blairs….Catfish was a machine leading these BBs IC x25!

Third round went through first 3 sets, then time allowed for x5 manmakers to cap things off.

We hit 615 reps total, not including the warmup…hopefully these did in fact make the PAX stronger…my arms were smoked afterwards. Perhaps we can do more next time.

COT included thoughts for Brown Bag’s family as well as all of those associated with small businesses that are impacted by the shutdowns, restrictions, staffing issues, and more.

Good conversations this am, good company, good way to start the week.
