

PAX:Akbar, Barely Legal, BBQ, Bean, Big Cat (FNG), Einstein, Fletch, Grover, Moby Dick, Shooter, Steve, Turbo Tax

What beautiful weather we had this gloom! Mid 50’s with a nice cool breeze. Seems Bean was the only one prepared, adding long sleeves and high socks to his standard outfit.

On the agenda was 28’s, a variation of the 21’s biceps exercise made popular by Arnold Schwarzenegger in the early 80’s. 

Warm up: SSH, Torso Twist, Arm Circles (front, back), Self Love, Imperial Walkers x 10


Mosey to pick up cinder blocks and 2 bricks. Full body exercises divided into 4 parts with 7 reps each. Bottom half to middle, middle to top half, full rep, back to middle of exercise and hold for 7 seconds. 28 reps per exercise

YHC was a little nervous on the cadence count, but hammered through with only a few mess ups. Enough to decide going forward with round 2 would be OYO.

5 minutes through the first round, we had a walk up EH who seemingly came out of nowhere, but we could not take credit. As we later found out that Goose and Bubba were responsible for the EH.

Round 1

Berkin, wide bent row, closed grip wide bench press, goblet squat, wide grip curls, shoulder press

Round 2

Dirkin, narrow grip bent row, narrow closed grip bench, prisoner squat, narrow grip bicep curls, stone mountain

Round 3

Wide berkin, supine grip row, tricep extensions, calf raise with block above head, curls, shoulder raises

Round 4: Last round, we mixed it up a bit by combining two exercises into 1 x 10 each

Birkin | block row, closed grip bench press | goblet squat; coupon curl | shoulder press

One last chance to reminisce for IPC – Murder Bunnies across the parking lot to put up coupons, head back to circle. 

Leg raises x 10, LBC’s * 30ish

Count, nameorama

COT – prayers for YHC’s interview Thursday, glad to have Turbo and Moby back in action

Welcome back Turbo!

Welcome to F3 Big Cat! (Scott Samford)

Thanks for bearing with me this morning, an honor as always to lead.

Till next gloom – 
