Short Romp
Short Romp

Short Romp

QIC:Jingle Vader
PAX:Almonaster, Chiquita, Moana, Subprime, Jingle Vader

YHC asked whether a Misty Mountain beatdown lasts 60 minutes or just 45.  The answer was swift and certain: 45, you $#%^*&!.  Oh well, it was worth a try.  Mosey to the Palm circle for a warm-up: some side straddle hops, imperial walkers, grass grabbers, arm circles, etc.  And then a mosey to the mountain.

Pyramid blimps: run up first level to 5 burpees, then up a level for 5 burpees and 10 lunges, then to the other end for 5 Bs, 10 Ls and 15 imperial walkers, then up a level for 5 Bs, 10 Ls, 15 IWs and 20 merkins, then to the other end for 5 Bs, 10 Ls, 15 IWs, 20 Ms and 25 plank jacks, then up a level for 5 Bs, 10 Ls, 15 IWs , 20 Ms, 25 PJs and 30 squats.  Continue up the ramp with 10 V-ups (???, not certain, but something that QHC would consider reasonable) at each end till the PAX reaches the top.

Some Mary: BBCs (big boy crunches: up for 10 count) ICx10, penguins 20xIC, Russian twists 20xIC and maybe another exercise or two.

Then mosey down the stairs to the benches by the fountain for right leg step ups 15xIC, dips 15xIC,, left leg stup ups 15xIC, incline merks 15xIC and close out with 5 box jumps.

Count off, name-o-rama, and intentions for those in the wake of Hurricane Delta.  Thanks, JV