No Crunchy Frogs for You, Cowbell
No Crunchy Frogs for You, Cowbell

No Crunchy Frogs for You, Cowbell

PAX:BBQ, Bean, Blue Note, Choo Choo (F3 Phoenix), Cowbell, Einstein, Hammer, Jose 10k, Moby Dick, and TurboTax

YHC has nothing against Crunchy Frogs. In fact, YHC likes Crunchy Frogs…a lot. Crunchy Frogs, however, were not on this morning’s agenda. So no Crunchy Frogs for you, Cowbell.

What was on the agenda was a warmup of Reverse Lunges, Merkins, Mountain Climbers, and Imperial Walkers, all 10x IC, followed by a 5 minute AMRAP session using the same four exercises. Most of the PAX got through five complete rounds before the buzzer sounded and then we each grabbed 2 coupons from the Gipper stash and Farmer Walked our way over to the boatyard.

Five cones were waiting at the boatyard, the starting line cone and then cones 10, 15, 20 and 25 yards out. Each PAX grabbed himself a lane and then we got to work.

First set: Farmer Carry to Cone 2, Back Pedal to Cone 1, Sprint to Cone 2, Farmer Carry to Cone 3, Back Pedal to Cone 1, Sprit to Cone 3, Farmer Carry to Cone 4, Back Pedal to Cone 1, Sprint to Cone 4, Farmer Carry to Cone 5, Back Pedal to Cone 1, Sprint to Cone 5, then Farmer Carry the two coupons back to Cone 1. Finish off the set with 10 coupon Manmakers.

Second set: rinse and repeat with Farmer Carries, Backwards Lunges, Forward Lunges capped off by 10 Coupon Swings.

Third set: rinse and repeat with Overhead Coupon Carry, Reverse Bear Crawls, Forward Bear Crawls, capped off by 10 Coupon Thrusters.

Fourth set: rinse and repeat with Farmer Carries, Carioca both directions, capped off by 10 Coupon Merkins.

Final set: Sprint and Back Pedal with no coupons.

Farmer Carry back to the Shovel Flag for Mary: American Hammers, Nolan Ryans, Wife Pleasers, all 15x IC followed by 30 long seconds of a six inch hold. No Crunchy Frogs for you, Cowbell!

Countorama, nameorama and The Hammer prayed us out. Thanks for letting me lead guys.


We haven’t bear crawled long distances at The Gipper in a while. It was time.

It was great to have a visitor from F3 Phoenix. Choo Choo is in shape and had no problem with the beat down. Nice to be reminded that F3 extends beyond our region.

New Year’s Day beatdown at the A1C AO 0700 followed by a big Southern breakfast courtesy of BBQ’s M. Come and get you some. Let BBQ know you’re coming so there are enough grits for your big appetite.