Eye on the Ball
Eye on the Ball

Eye on the Ball

PAX:Barely Legal, BBQ, Grundy, Hammer, Jose 10k, Moby Dick, Pick Axe, Russo, Steve, TurboTax, Waterpik, Zoolander

After a brief warmup of Seal Jacks, Lunges, Imperial Walkers, Toe Touches, and SSHs, with some Burpees sprinkled in for good measure, it was game time this morning on the Mandeville Lakefront. Forming up into three teams of four and armed with tennis balls, the PAX made their way to the Mandeville harbor playground via a passing/running game and with a brief stop for some Merkins.

At the playground, the ball games continued. We started with a cooperative passing game. Penalties of Burpees, Merkins, and Squat Jumps were dished out for every break down, and the difficulty level was increased as we got the hang of things. Then we switched to a competitive possession game where despite an early lead, the red team lost it at the buzzer. No one was to blame of course and his name will not be mentioned, but let’s just say that the red team would have prevailed if a certain PAX whose name rhymes with BurboBax had caught the final pass.

Back to our three teams of four and to the shovel flag using just our feet to move the tennis balls with us.

Nameorama, countorama and Moby prayed us out. Thanks for letting me lead and playing along this morning, guys.


Having Zoolander in the PAX for a running dominant workout is like bringing your dog for a walk in the park. He runs 3 miles for every one that you walk.

Krazy Ivan is on for Friday February 5th at 2000 hours. Hope to see you all out there if not for the run then for the F2 afterwards at the Barley Oak.