3/5/7/9….100 Burpees for MABA – from Triple Shift
3/5/7/9….100 Burpees for MABA – from Triple Shift

3/5/7/9….100 Burpees for MABA – from Triple Shift

QIC:Triple Shift
PAX:Cheese Steak, FracSac, Jingle Vader, Triple Shift

I finally completed my 8 block (An F3 goal setting tool to increase your health, relationships, faith, and leadership) and I committed to Qing at least twice a month so with only 2 weeks left in January, I had to get on it so I signed up for Okwata. Here is the link if you want more info on the 8 Block.

With the weather a cold 48 degrees and 15 mph wind, it was brisk to say the least and I was hoping no one would show up so I could go back home. Alas, that didn’t happen which I am thankful that JV, Fracsac, and Cheese Steak showed up to hold me accountable.

We headed to the House of Pain with a 50 lb. sandbag and a 35 lb. kettlebell while doing our best to keep our feet dry. Start off with the Warmorama. 20 SSH, 10 Tempo LLS, 10 Tempo Merkins, 10 Self Love, 10 Open the Gate and 10 Close the Gate all done IC. Now that we are all warm, we proceed to the main event.
10 – 2 minute rounds which consist of 3 pull ups, 5 burpees, 7 squats (with or without the weights) and 9 glute bridges.
Proceeded by
4 – 2 minute rounds of 5 burpees, 10 froggers, and 10 Bulgarian Split Squats (each leg)

Busted out another 40 burpees at the end to get an even 100 for MABA!

COT – Prayers of gratitude for F3 and the health we have to make a positive difference in this broken world. Being weak, sickly and in poor health is not a good condition to be in if you desire to help others.