One call, that’s all… there is to week zero IPC – from Hogs Breath
One call, that’s all… there is to week zero IPC – from Hogs Breath

One call, that’s all… there is to week zero IPC – from Hogs Breath

QIC:Hogs Breath
PAX:Bushwacker, Shooter, Steve

YHC decided to kick off Monday with an IPC. So some official coupons were loaded, the cinder kind not the typical 007 rocks, into YHC trusty Ford’s trunk and made way to the 007.
At 5:24 a white pick up rolled up and three bumbling pax rolled out. Two were complaining about Bushwackers driving or something. Shooter had shaved and looked 10 years younger with a smooth face!
The Iron Pax Challenge is a yearly brag / exaggeration fest hosted by F3 Greenwood. This week was the “intro week” whereas we ran, did 85 reps of something, 8 burpee’s and then rinsed and repeated! Only to finish off with more running!
We still had plenty of time to mumble chatter. At one point, the shovel flag fell over, so YHC ran it back to the trusty Ford. Shooters new look just about anything that Bushwacker could conceive was met with some ribbing. Hogs Breath’s new job with Morris Bart law firm, hence the “One call, that’s all!”
Steve had the great idea for some music. The man grunts were a little too much for him in the early morning gloom. So YHC turned on “my soundtrack channel” it was music roulette, never knowing if you’d get Taylor Swift, classic rock, a Disney Ballad, or something else entirely!
All pax finished the beatdown within the 45 minutes!
Ended with a COT and we offered coffeteria but Steve was a HIM to the ones that matter the most, his M and 2.0 and had to return to get them off to school!
Thank you for allowing me to lead a great group of me