4 Guys, 4 Body Parts, 0 Chaos Monkeys  – from Bolt
4 Guys, 4 Body Parts, 0 Chaos Monkeys – from Bolt

4 Guys, 4 Body Parts, 0 Chaos Monkeys – from Bolt

PAX:Bolt, Boo-Boo, Charmin, War Eagle

YHC felt compelled to Q since the chaos monkey has men’s bible study on Wednesday and after the disclaimer and usual warmorama replete with the soundtrack of a Bolt 3M promise, it was time to make our way to the gym equipment. How to get there though? Q’s choice of transport every other or every third light pole–listening is important: skip, mosey, backward walk/mosey, lunge, high knees, open/close gate, shuffle facing each way.

The Thang: Once at the gym there would be two rounds of AMRAP 1min work/15 sec rest-rotate: Decline sit ups, Incline Press, Tricep Extensions, R/L Leg Power Ups. Count the reps of each exercise done in round one and add three reps to each exercise but count them down backward. You’d be amazed how the mind controls the body; normally, successive rounds generate fewer reps yet counting down from a higher rep count matched/exceeded round one!

Mosey forward/backward the rest of the loop that took us to the gym and at the turn behind JAPAX the Pax had a choice to make: burpees there or something different at the flag; after some debate War Eagle and Boo Boo were split and Charmin cast his vote for burpees there: 10 burpees it is. Back to the flag with a minute to spare and not being one to cheat the Pax—Absolutions!
Time, COT, always appreciate the pax’s perseverance, perspiration, and perspectives.