I HATE the Cold, Madoff Made Me Do It – from Bolt
I HATE the Cold, Madoff Made Me Do It – from Bolt

I HATE the Cold, Madoff Made Me Do It – from Bolt

PAX:Bolt, Hawgcycle, Kenna Brah, Madoff, Space Cowboy, Thibodeaux (DR Memphis)

YHC felt bad for fartsacking Monday and for not “Doing Hard Things” Tuesday so I put the word out on Slack that I HATE the cold BUT if I was the Q I’d HAVE to post which spurred Madoff to HC in the brutal cold as penance for missing a week+. My fate was sealed—I USE to like you, Madoff!

I decided on a simple plan the night before to combat the likelihood that thinking too much about a sub freezing BD would lead me to fartsack.

5 pax, including Thibodeaux DR from Memphis, immediately departed the flag via mosey to JPAX, requisite opening song in tow, so a less windy warmorama could ensue. Along the way Hawg jumped in and immediately regretted his decision to leave the comfort of Pontiff for ANOTHER BD featuring the disastrous playlist that has become part of the Bolt 3M promise.

Warmorama of the usual with some Tie Fighters and open/close the gates thrown in to warm up and lengthen cold muscles for what lay/lie (Hawg???) ahead plus a couple sets of 5 burpees OYO sprinkled in (it is MABA Month after all). This pleased the pax; I could tell by their adoring groans.

The Thang: Partner DORA-100 squats, 200 burpees (did I mention MABA?), 300 Compound Ws

Luckily we finished early and the pax seemed overjoyed with the call to circle up with me to continue with IW x10 IC followed by, wait for it…5 burpees OYO, then on to OH claps x10 IC, then 5 burpees OYO (sheer exuberance at this point). Quick check of time…move to the concrete blocks for 5 burpees OYO before tricep dips IC x 20 although KennaBrah tried to call time half way through—something about tired, weak, blah blah blah. 5 more burpees OYO and the pax reached a fever pitch. KnOT walk back to flag and still a couple minutes to kill for what else? 5 burpees OYO with still time left, followed by a 10-count from KB that was more like speed auctioneering so 5 more burpees OYO and a request for another 10-count; this one was normal pace and right as YHC was ready for 5 more burpees…time. The pax were disappointed…COT.