Four Corners of The Apocalypse – from Steve
Four Corners of The Apocalypse – from Steve

Four Corners of The Apocalypse – from Steve

PAX:Chewy, Russo, Steve

Well, I’d hardly call it an “apocalyptic” beatdown. Nor was it truly a “four corners” (more like 6). But hey, sometimes you need a title just to get these things off the ground.

Marsh-style beatdown on this humid Tuesday (delayed bb here, so this was before out little cool front), moseying to the lake with a stop at each intersection for 15x merkins, 15x lunges, 15x flutter kicks IC. You know you’re firmly middle-aged when conversations yo-yo between healthcare costs and the financial viability of art galleries with wine bars. Other, more fun topics were surely mused over, but hey, YHC is 45 – I can’t remember what happened a week and a half ago.

Once at the lake, we headed to the Rip’s staircase for calf raises x5 each step. Chewy, Russo, and YHC were there for (and very likely contributed to) the demise of the previous set of stairs at Rips, so it’s good to see that these fairly new ones are still holding up. Then it was over to the wall for some step ups, freaks, step downs, freaks, Bulgarians, freaks, all x12 IC. And back to Rip’s for more calf raises.

With time closing in, we headed back, this time foregoing the merkins and lunges at each intersection, but stopping once at the midway point and knocking out the flutter kicks all in one go. Once back, COT, nameorama, and Chewy prayed us out. Thank you gents for the camaraderie, and for posting regularly – it pushes me to do the same.

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