Staking, Less, Killer – from Honeysuckle
Staking, Less, Killer – from Honeysuckle

Staking, Less, Killer – from Honeysuckle

PAX:Goose, Pope, Yankee Joe, Smooth operator, Piccadilly, Ladybug, Safety valve, Popeye, Lil Cuz

A universally accepted truth is that F3 Thibodaux is the most creative F3 group among those consisting of more than one type of doctor. Which pretty much puts it in the running for most creative F3 worldwide.

But before we go any further, warmarama:

SSH, windmills, willie Mayes Hayes, imperial walkers, arm circles forward and reverse, cherry pickers, Carolina high knees, regular butt kicks

The Thang:

YHC recently got interested in how does one quantify creativity. One way is via the Remote Associates Test (RAT). This test reveals three words, and the test taker has to figure out a fourth word that connects the other three. Our example today was

Picture, washer, shopping

And goose correctly answered “window” as the answer. Color me shocked.

To simplify the beatdown structure, today the PAX would instead be doing a musical RAT (see hype) with pairs of songs.

Five Doras were planned for teams of two. Each Dora corresponded to a song pair. Transport would involve coupons in one direction (one team member takes it to the far end and runs back, the second team member does the opposite).

The PAX could guess the connection between the pair of songs and avoid 5 thrusters at the far end of the course for the next round. In reality, YHC quickly forgot about that part and likely no thrusters were done the whole time. Send complaints to

The Doras were 200 reps per exercise.

1) merkins, SSHs, murder bunny transport
2) Squats, v-ups, rifle carry transport
3)Carolina dry docks, flutter kicks, block and bear transport
4)Apollo oh-nos, LBC, lunge transport
5)Crab dip, WWI sit ups, rifle carry

We sped through the last few rounds due to time.

The corresponding songs were

1) A View to a Kill, Duran Duran / it’s my life, Talk Talk (double names)
2) We have all the time in the world, Louis Armstrong/ the living daylights, A-ha (James bond theme songs)
3) Take on me, A-ha / SOS, ABBA (palindrome band names)
4) Atlantic City, the band / blinded by the light, Manfred Mann (covers of Bruce Springsteen songs)
5) Ride like the wind, Christopher cross / Peg, Steely Dan (Michael McDonald backups in both)

Count off, name off, announcements, intentions. May challenge starting. Pray for families and AB fighting Covid. YHC’s bionic partner for Doras today, Lil Cuz, prayed us out.

As always it was a pleasure and honor to Q this morning. The PAX killed this and we 1000% absolutely don’t have to worry about AI being more creative than humans after all. I will sleep well tonight.


I heard it on the honeysuckle vine:
—A view to a kill is also a James Bond theme song. YJ immediately picked up on this.
—aha was played twice in a row
—SOS is also a palindrome
—the group Honeysuckle also has an Atlantic City cover.
—in Peg, Steely Dan made Michael McDonald sing multiple individual notes and these were mixed together to form different sung chords in the song.
—Technically, the first song played in the theme of “On Her Majesty’s Secret Service” is an instrumental, with the Louis Armstrong song played afterwards.
—Louis Armstrong does not play the trumpet part in the song.

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