Light Lundi
Light Lundi

Light Lundi

PAX:Douille, Bieber, Angie’s List, Peppa, Moana, Landing Strip

Following the funday of all Sundays the pax was light today. This worked well with my plan to primarily run. The RRR challenge is effective in changing the focus and most all in pax were set to GPS mode. We had some nice conversation and feel like we got a good feel for the Rex run course tomorrow.

Warm-up: Grass grabbers IC x 20, Imperial Walkers IC x 20, SSH IC x 20.

The Thang: Nice loop around the park and fly. Made a stop near the levee for some Mary (Russian Twists, LBC, Dying Cock Roach IC x20) and again at the Labyrinth for a ring a fire (3 rounds of ten since we were efficient). Moseyed back to the traditional flag spot.

COT: That the remainder of carnival is safe.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.