610 Stomp #47 Fartlekin’ Redux
610 Stomp #47 Fartlekin’ Redux

610 Stomp #47 Fartlekin’ Redux

PAX:Tool, Rudy, Kim-Chi, Amnesty-YHC

Word Origin (Swedish): literally…speed play

Four men with the intestinal fortitude to show up and improve themselves met by the shovel flag. Fresh off vacation and with fond memories of Hawg’s Fartlek some weeks back, it was time for a Redux. After Disclaimer, we stepped off and ran to Canal Blvd…about 4 miles. During the run we did four sprints…of varying exertion levels: 70%, 71%, 72% and 69%. We returned to the S/F with a few minutes to spare so we sealed the deal with 10 burpees. Countoff, Namerama, Announcements (see below), Shoutouts, Prayer. See you tomorrow for my Birthday Q at NOLA Foundry.

7/13 – Gnarly Nutria Meet at our normal Friday AM spot St. Charles entrance to the park **3 Laps=5 miles in Audubon Park at 915PM *early time is to accommodate Tinkles and Amnesty **Huddle around a cooler for some F2 post-night time run. There will be beer, water and gatorade.
7/17 (Sunday AM)- Spillway Mud Run Reluctant Yankee is the Q Sign Up Here
7/20 – Tool is the Q Wednesday Night 2 Mile NOTC Run in City Park
**We are co-hosting this event! Wear your shirt and come help us be visible and part of the community.
8/6 – Night Race 5 or 10 miler – Bleau Moon August http://theyatrace.com/node/101/registration/register
10/8 5k Warrior Dash in St Francesville 13 obstacles Warrior Dash 5k Louisiana Need someone to Q this.
10/29 Jazz Half Marathon 13.1 miles. Jazz Half sign up
11/11 NOLA Go Ruck NOLA Ruck **We need some more hard commits to make this happen just for f3 NOLA.
11/19 Alabama Spartan Spartan Super 8-10 miles 25 obstacles **I just put it on the calendar bc I really enjoyed this last year.
3/18 or 19 – Tough Mudder in NOLA 10-12 miles and 20 obstacles