8ball Qball
8ball Qball

8ball Qball

PAX:Turbo, Shooter, Garfield, Capt Sparkles, Tanked Up, Waterpik, End Time, Zoolander (FNG)

YHC’s first Saturday Q:

BACKSTORY: YHC stayed out late the night before and still hadn’t formed the plan…but it was done by about 02:00 when YHC finished his festivities. As a precaution not to fartsack the Q YHC drove to the location and, after attaching a note to the window that said “WAKE THE Q”, turned down the seat and went to sleep until the morning. But the note wasn’t necessary as YHC just shot up awake at 06:00. Fortunately YHC awoke early because, like every morning, there was a sycamore down under if you catch my driftwood…err drift. After running behind a dumpster behind a building to fix the situation, YHC returned to start the thang.

YHC skipped the foreplay and awaited the rest of the PAX that would show.



Monkey Humpers, imperial walkers, windmills, monkey humpers

The Thang:

1.) partnered up, one person does sit-ups while the other is lunging with twist approx. 30yds and return back with side shimmy to switch with partner until 200 sit-ups reached.

2.) partnered up, one planks while other sprints same distance back and forth. 10 rounds.

3.) partnered up, “Bad Dog” one bear crawls while other is in front of them back peddling 30 yds. Then switch roles back to start line. 5 rounds.

4.) duck duck goose abs circle – PAX in a circle doing flutter kicks until everyone takes a turn sprinting around the circle. Second round was same thing but with Freddy Mercuries.


ran back to flag, monkey humpers

COT, BOM – jul 4th event announced by Turbo