Lakefront GoRuck Training 05.21.2017
Lakefront GoRuck Training 05.21.2017

Lakefront GoRuck Training 05.21.2017

QIC:Triple Shift
PAX:Bubba, Woz, Jingle Vader and Fracsac

QIC rolled in hot and we got going at 5:45 am on a Sunday morning.  We slowly rucked east over a few levee hills and the Bayou St. John overpass and enjoyed the cloudy day and rain.  ‘Embrace the Suck’ will be a theme this day.  Fracsac and Woz took off and Bubba, JV and I picked up the rear.  We had to double time it a few times to keep up and the overall time was around an 18 min. mile going out.  After an hour, we turned around and QIC wanted to pick up the pace to a 15 min mile.  A lot of double time rucking pushed the PAX to the limit.  We did a negative split and finished 6.5 miles in 1:40 minutes.

Sudden Change

QIC had some hairbrained idea.  Because we got back early, I planned to do a descending ladder of 8 count bodybuilders, flutter kicks, squats and overhead presses with the ruck x IC.  We started at 10 then proceeded to 9.  All of a sudden JV gives me his ‘Next of Kin’ card and QIC shut it down.

Countoff, Namerama and Prayer for strength to be all God designed us to be.  Thanks for allowing me to lead!