Fun at the Foundry 5/24/17
Fun at the Foundry 5/24/17

Fun at the Foundry 5/24/17

PAX:Beans, Bubba, Cowbell, FracSac, Kim Chi, Mr. Doolittle, Tool, Triple Shift, Walleye

A beautiful morning at City Park! Frac Sac showed up in excellent spirits to greet everyone with some cheer. A quick disclaimer, and off we go.

A quick mosey around the circle for our 1st COP.
SSH x 25 IC
IW x 25 IC
Plank Jacks x 25 IC
Palnk Walks x 20 IC (10 right and 10 left)
Squats x 20 IC
Arm Circles x 20 IC (10 forward, 10 backward)

Next a Route 66 down Roosevelt Mall:
Dips on the park benches, start at 5, increase 1 dip per bench to end at 17.

Mosey on over to the Foundry for some Fun:
5 stations, 3 rounds:
10 pull-ups (pull-ups with the count)
Squat jumps
Body rows
Knee Ups hanging from the monkey bars

Next we mosey to the NOMA water fountain for 11’s up the steps of NOMA.
Incline merkins at the fountain, squat jumps at the top of the steps.

Indian run back toward the flag. But wait, we have 3 minutes for Mary!
LBC’s x 20 IC
Flutter kicks x 20 IC
Hello Dolly x 20 IC
Russian Twists x 20 IC

And back to the flag at 6:16. Count off, Name-o-rama, announcements, intentions, and thanks for a beautiful day!
See you next time in the gloom.