<span class="vcard">Bushwacker</span>

Shooter-less Scramble

Q’n for a brother, YHC made his first appearance at the Scramble. Arriving with the mumble-chattering PAX ready to roll, we wasted no time. Warmorama (all IC) 20SSH 15 IW 20 BK In the especially muggy gloom, we headed out on the “classic” route down Massena to Monroe, left to …

10k Foray

YHC stood in for Captain Sparkles today, as he had some excuse or another for not making it out – something to do with resting the week between running a half marathon and attacking a half iron man – or some such weak sauce non-sense.  I was, once again, admiringly …

Common Core

QIC pulled up to the Marsh to see zero cars, zero F3, and 3 minutes to beat down. My first thought was of how my  machinations to bring more abdominal agony could’ve been discovered (reviewing all groupme post of the last week), causing such fear as to preclude the formation of more …

Core Values

Just before 5am, out of the gloom converged Turtle, Shooter, and QIC, making note of the ubiquitous site of Captain Sparkles truck looming like an F3 sentry to watch over the marsh. This could only mean that while the rest of us were justifiably still fartsackin in the 4 o’clock …