Dabbin’ With the Homies
Dabbin’ With the Homies

Dabbin’ With the Homies

PAX:The Hammer, Waterpik

James, Stanley, and Benjamin walk into a bar….

OK, it was actually a darkened, trash-strewn basketball court and playground we, on the north shore fondly call The Milestone Marsh. And the PAX was there to do business, so to business they got.


It was an imperative to get the heart rate rolling quickly so QIC started with some quick rounds of High Knees, Butt Kicks, and SSHs. We slowed the tempo and turned the focus elsewhere on the anatomy before heading out to the intersection.


The Marsh was where YHC was introduced to the Dab by our gone-but-not-forgotten comrade Coconuts, and is the sole location where it has been unleashed in my experience. And so it was that we three ventured forth and completed 10 Burpees EMOM for 5 minutes then running 400 meters, and repeating 4 times.


To be perfectly honest, procrastination on this back blast has directly lead to a constipation of the brain. There may or may not have been a slight bit of wrap-up.


I believe Pik prayed us out and there was a great deal of appreciation for my fellow F3 brothers!

Thanks for Dabbin’ with your homey!