Destination Paradise? That’ll be 2 tickets, sir.  – from Popeye
Destination Paradise? That’ll be 2 tickets, sir. – from Popeye

Destination Paradise? That’ll be 2 tickets, sir. – from Popeye

PAX:America’s Best, Cardinal, Enron, Goose, Honeysuckle, Lil Cuz, Maneater, Paradox, Popeye, Ladybug, Pope

Fun fact: the average weight of a “standard” brick is 4.40lbs.
Funner fact: the average weight of a brick from YHC’s house is 5.25lbs.
Talk about standards…

YHC was frozen upon the late realization that his original vision for a Tuesday Tuff beatdown wouldn’t work; mother goose doled out such a ration of pain on the 5 poor PAX on Monday that the thought of more merks and coupon work almost made me wince.
Instead, YHC smirked and realized I had a special secret to share with the tribe: tickets.

No, Jeaux! Not the kind of tickets that you firemen take from the proletariat whilst slinging trashburgers and soggy fries at the fair, the kind of tickets that bring men to greatness. I’m talking about the kind of tickets (2) that might just get you to paradise…. For 45 minutes anyway.

YHC shared with the PAX that for the past six years while assigned to New Orleans, I would frequently run along the river to the ruins of the Market Street power plant and work out on my own there with bricks. I called it the brickyard (super original, I know) and nobody would go with me. Working out there on my own was my zen, a (probably not) safe space where I could thrash myself under the curious gaze of the zombies and day walkers who lurked about the ruins. Special place, the only thing I think I’ll miss about working in the city.

WU1 – The usual:
SSH, Imp Walkers, Willie Mays, Slow Hi-knees, Arm Circle mix

WU2 – The unusual:
SSH w/tickets, Imp Walkers w/tickets, Willie Mays w/tickets, Slow Hi-knees w/tickets. Rare show of mercy on the arm circle mix.

Musical complement:
The PAX performed mountain climbers atop their tickets, and executed flawless shoulder-tap ticket merkins on each “waiting so long” and mention of “tickets” while enjoying “Two Tickets To Paradise” by the legendary Eddie Money. 22 points brah!
This was hard, just ask Cardinal.

~ Ticket Mosey to Rich Man’s Loop ~

Main event:
The good news: We’d walk one lap – with tickets.
The not so good news: after each quarter of the loop with tickets, we’d mosey ticket-free around the rest of the loop and progressively work around.
1st Leg: Rocky tickets (punches).
2nd Leg: Curls till tired, then overhead press.
3rd Leg: Tricep extensions.
4th Leg: Side extensions and front extensions.

The PAX (really just AB) was grumbling about being at 2.5 miles in and something about points, so we returned to the flag to ditch tickets and then carried on to close out 3 miles.
It’s the frickin’ Cleveland Wine Mixer May Chalenge after all, no points should be left in the table.

Time elapsed, 1:45 over.

COT, Dox prayed us out.

Thanks for the solid showing and enjoying two tickets in the gloom. Always enjoy pushing myself and sharing the growth that only comes through deliberate discomfort with you men.

Now I’m off to email YETI to see if they can make a bigger bucket to carry tickets.


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