El Wire’s Gloomy Gloom
El Wire’s Gloomy Gloom

El Wire’s Gloomy Gloom

QIC:El Wire
PAX:Nip/Tuck, 86, Bartman, Wire(QIC), Sandbar, Cavalier, Jingle Vader, REv-It, Tito, Gabrielle, YSR, Brown Bag, Jadeveon, RevSox, Chiquita, Reluctant Yankee

EL Wire ordered up some nice temperature weather but some GLOOMY SOUPY fog and wet ground.

16 PAX circled up for a Wed am beatdown led by El Wire

El Wire started with the JACK OFF. (he said it!)

SSH x 20, Imp Walker Squat x 20, Seal Jack x 20, Smurf Jack x 20, Plank Jack x 20, Peter Parkers x 20

Then we mosey’d to the levee for 5 rounds of LEVEE.

10 Willi E Coyotes on the tracks

10 merks at the top of the levee, 25 LBCS at the bottom.

Then we mosey’d to Audubon’s statue for some DORA  stopping for 10 more Willi E Coyotes again.

100 decline merks, 200 dips and 300 LBTs.   Brutal but good.

Then we bear crawl’d up and over the neutral ground and then crab crawled back.  About 15-20 yards.

Long mosey back to the FLAG.

Arrived 2 min early at the FLAG so 20 Burpees OYO

Circle of Trust – prayed for Bartman’s secretary who died over the break.