Exicon Gems – from Popeye
Exicon Gems – from Popeye

Exicon Gems – from Popeye

PAX:Capt D Darryl Strawberry Enron Smooth operator Smooth 2.0 Americas best Safety valve Enron Cardinal Honseysuckle Ewok Popeye

YHC did some Exicon browsing the other night while crushing some pie from Rotolo’s. What flavor? The Popeye, of course; add pepperoni to ensure a full cleanse. It’s a treat.
Inspired by savory sauce-free cheesy garlicky goodness with far too many onions for an inoffensive morning, I tore off the lid of the box and hashed out the plan for the Peltch.

Slow-mo Imp Walkers.
Arm circles fwd/back/cherry pickers.

Broke the anti-stretch protocol and tried to increase the PAX’s flexibility a little:
Pigeon stretch & hold
Chest stretch standing x2

Travel: .6ish mile chattermosey, really just a pleasant pace over to EDW.

Thang 1/main event:
1st & 10:
“100 yard field marked at 10 yard increments. Perform 10 Merkins, 1
Burpee (11’s) at the 10, sprint the remaining 90 yards. Recover jog back to the 20. Perform 9 Merkins, 2 Burpees, sprint the remaining 80 yards, recover jog to the 30. Repeat until all 100 yards and 11’s have been completed. Plank exercise until remaining PAX complete.”

Assessment: This was challenging, but YHC didn’t consider the overall fitness of the PAX. Should have done twice. This will really suck in the heat of summer.

Thang 2:
Crowd pleaser:
“A Merkin followed by a Groiner, but done as a pyramid. For regular men, going from 1:1 (1 Merkin and 1 Groiner) to 4:4 (4 Merkins followed by 4 Groiners) and back down to 1:1 may be a challenge, but average F3 men should go from 1:1 up to 5:5 and back down to 1:1 to truly enjoy the moment (at total of 25 reps of each).”

Assessment: Really not that challenging to merit the write-up it has in the exicon. The PAX knocked out the crowd pleaser up to 5:5 and back to 1:1 and just looked at me unamused. Maybe I need some less fit friends.

Thang 3:
Merkin ring of fire:
All PAX assume the front-leaning rest (merk position), and go one by one around the circle until complete.
Merks x 10; 10-count rest
Close grip merks x 10; 10-count rest
Wide grip merks x 10; 10-count rest
AB was really push-up pimpin his way through this set.

Assessment: The pecs and arms were burning by the end of this, glad we did some prohibited stretching in advance. It’s a keeper.

Thang 4: Howling Monkeys
“In a circle, everyone grabs their ankles in Monkey Humper fashion (or Gorilla Humper, for the fearless) . The first person does ten monkey humpers followed by the next person and so on as in other “ring of fire” exercises. Don’t let go of the ankles! Depending on the number of PAX, two rounds seems to result in Howling Monkeys.”

Assessment: Legitimate burn and very likely hard to explain if confronted by polite society. 2 rounds and the PAX were feeling the burn. In fact, YHC probably ruined AB and Valve’s post-beatdown 5k plans with this one. Hope you got the t-shirt boys!

Wife pleaser x 10, then one-legged wife pleasers x 10/per leg extended.

Mosey to flag site

Freddy mercury x 20
LBC x 20
Pickle pounder x 20
Wheezy Jefferson / ankles to sky / leg raises x 20
Chuck Norris merk x 20
Penguins x 20


Enron crowned as the new Push-up Pimp; concerning how the shirt seems to be getting smaller each week.

HS prayed us out

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