Getting Dirty at Grandmother’s House
Getting Dirty at Grandmother’s House

Getting Dirty at Grandmother’s House

PAX:Carpool, Pelican, Shooter, Steve (QIC)

A little late-night rain and some warmer temperatures (in the 50’s!) made things a little sloppy over at Grandma’s house this morning.  Sloppy enough that Pelican requested a move onto the concrete for our warm-up.  Sure, why not.  We were gonna get dirty in other ways… (namely, by kicking the thang off with a Dirty McDeuce).  But first:

Warm Up: Seal Jacks, Windmills, SSH’s, IW’s, Good Mornings, High Knees, Butt Kicks, all 20x IC.  Mosey over to the stage for…

The Thang:

Dirty McDeuce:

Merkins, Lunges, Flutter Kicks, x12 IC.  Run a lap around the small amphitheater.

Catalina Wine Mixers, Squats, Freddie Mercs, 12x IC.  Run a lap.

Werkins, Squat Jumps, LBC’s, 12x IC.  Run a lap.

Burpees (12 OYO), Sister Mary Katherine’s, Sit-Ups, 12x IC.  Then mosey to the corridor for:

Partner Sprints: P1 performs shoulder taps while P2 sprints there and back.  Flapjack.  Next up, P1 does plank jacks while P2 sprints, flapjack, and finally, merkins/sprints.

A couple of 10 counts later, and the PAX is ready to lunge walk the length of that same corridor.  Upon completion, everyone attempts to pick the most stable of the rotting benches for a set of Freak Nasties, 20x IC.  Then back to the corridor for Lt. Dans across, with an ascending squat count.

Lastly, Animals on Parade: Duck Walk, Bear Crawl, and Bunny Hops down the corridor.

Circle up for an extended (8 minutes of) Mary: Flutter Kicks, Freddie Mercs, LBC’s, Putins (Hammers), Leg Raises, all 20x IC, with Big Boy Sit-Ups (20 OYO) to bring it home.

Countdown, nameorama, naming of FNG Penguin, welcome… oh wait, that’s just Pelican, he forgot his name… and Shooter prayed us out.

Thank you gentlemen, had fun this morning.