Just Sittin’ Around
Just Sittin’ Around

Just Sittin’ Around

QIC:Jingle Vader
PAX:Hawgcycle and Jingle Vader

With flash flood warnings from NOAA, would YHC have shown up if he wasn’t to be the Q? Would he have just turned around and gone home if no PAX had showed up? We will never know the answers to these questions because a trusty PAX joined YHC. While the Wolfpack PAX may have played it say to seek higher ground, YHC and PAX would have none of that: grab life, don’t run from it.

Although uptowners are reluctant to step out of their box, the PAX moseyed through the rain with their Gibraltars farther than usual for a Friday for a short warm up:

Good Morning 25xIC
Windmills 15xIC
SSHs 20xIC

Because it was, to put it mildly, muddy, the danger of slipping was high. So your QHC decided the PAX needed to just sit around with their Gibraltars and avoid unnecessary injury. Good time to talk about new Netflix series, musicals that First Graders like, grunts and groans, typical mumble chatter for guys with time to shoot the breeze.

Peoples Chair 1:00
Shoulder Press 20xIC
Peoples Chair 1:00
Curls 20xIC
Peoples Chair 1:00
Rows 20xIC
Peoples Chair 1:00
Tricep curls behind hear 20xIC
Peoples Chair 1:30 (or, as some would say, eternity)

Rinse and repeat.

Incline Merkins 20xIC
Channing Tatums 20xIC
Dips 20xIC
Tatum Channings 20xIC
Derkins 12xIC

Peoples Chair (sans Gibraltar) 1:30
Peoples Chair (still sans Gibraltar) 1:30
Peoples Chair (thank God, sans Gibraltar) 2:00 (or beyond eternity)

Tired of sitting’ around, time for a little Mary: LBCs 100xIC

Mosey back to rock pill for a quick Namorama, thanks for rain, and prayers for wisdom and comfort.