Labor Day Vacation??????
Labor Day Vacation??????

Labor Day Vacation??????

QIC:The Manny
PAX:Steve, Shooter, MASH, Butt Splice, Ocho, Turtle, Skim Milk, Turtle, Car Pool, Grass Hopper, Lucky Charms, Moby Dick, Night Train, Bush Wacker, Fire Wall, Brat, Lo Nase

When  you a make a trip to the beach, you  expect a few things to happen.  Things like getting sand inbetween your toes, and running into the water. Usually, you don’t expect these things to happen when you wake up at 6am, or 6:35am if you are Ocho, when you are getting ready for your Saturday morning beatdown at the mother ship. NOT THIS WEEK BABY. This group of Beach Boys started their Labory Day weekend BayWatch style! Running around with orange buckets, filling them with water, hoping that it was filled past the 30 pound marker, so they did not have to complete their penalty burpies!!!!!!

I am glad to report that no penalty burpies were completed on this Labor Day outing, but there were many other beach time activities that we did to pass the time. Side straddle hops, merkins, and imperial walkers just to name a few.

I hope yesterday’s beat down will encourage all of you to bring duct tape and an orange Home Depot bucket with you the next time you bring your family to the beach. As you wrap the bucket with grey duck tape, and your family asks you, “What the hell are you doing?” Just look at them and say, “Let’s Do This!”