MAX mobility – from Paradox
MAX mobility – from Paradox

MAX mobility – from Paradox

PAX:Goose, Pope, Dumbledore, Smooth, Michelin, Safety Valve, Cardinal , Paradiddle

9 men wobbled in and huddled around the gloom early at the stage today. Just 48 hours since the bodily devastation of the SV500 we needed immediate distraction, and this was provided listening to the latest chapter in the Life and Times of Cardinal.

“I woke up Sunday and it was the strangest thing, like my whole body wasn’t moving right and everything hurt. ” Cardinal explained while poking his muscles and testing these claims.

YHC questioned further… “were you …umm…perhaps sore?”

“Sore? Like a boil on my skin? ” He asked, still perplexed and searching the Cardinal lexicon for this foreign term.

YHC sighed and got ready to break the news.

“Well, you see after you turn 30 your body slowly tries to kill you each and every day especially if you exceed your limit of physical exertion. They call this state of being sore.

Cardinal : ..

YHC: ..

Cardinal : well I guess I was sore , I’ll try my best to never feel that ever again.

And just like that Mobility Monday was born…

Duke! get the WD40 and K tape it’s time to fix some bo Bo’s
and roll the footage.



Abe Vigodas

IW extra slow

Bat Wings:

Leave them up gosh darn it !!

AC , CP, Seal Jacks , OHClaps, seal jacks


Mosey to bumper with some concerned side glances that we would unearth the newly minted coupon bunker.

Not today men, let those Koopas cool down, they still hawt from Saturday.

We continued our series with Volume 2 of Men of Courage Mondays as today is the feast day of St Max Kolbe. A Polish priest and Franciscan friar who among many other amazing works substituted his life for another man’s during imprisonment at Auschwitz.

So Todays Acronym was MAX:

First , the M…the Mobility Mile

Mosey Richmans loop and we stomped out those spicy ant devils on the way as retribution for Popeyes riddled calves.

We ran the mile and stopped for 4 mobility stations interspersed with audible groaning, creaking, pops, clicks, sharts, Hoosker dos, hoosker donts and even a few whistling kitty chasers. It was a deep burn and we all felt better for it:

1. ) 1 minute
Hold side plank

Right arm up then through

Left side

Right hand on hand and pull through

Left side

2. )1 minute: Downward dog, alternate calf stretch and Cat/Cow ( 1 minute )

3. ) 1 minute: Plank and hip stretch , outside, inside, inside outside

4. 1 minute Side lunge stretch with sumo squat

As a humorous interlude YHC shared the story of looking for a St Kolbe book in Barnes and Nobles only to have the clerk think that Kobe Bryant had been canonized.

Not yet Kobe, not yet. (he had shaq and MJ only had Pippen so….)

YHC introduced an F3 Thibodaux classic …Basketball Jones.

We would alternate between all levels of a squat every time we heard the word Basketball.

I’ll give the men at home a sample :

“Yes i was a victim of basketball Jones

In fact I was the baddest dribbler in the whole wide world

I loved my basketball ball.

That basketball was like a basketball to me…”

It went on like that for 4 minutes and YHC pulled the plug early.

Because sometimes you just have to set a pick when you on the give and go of life.

Today we were all victims of the basketball Jones.

On to the ABS (the A of mAx)

St Max Feast day is Aug 14 (today) The day of his death 8-14-41 and canonized in 1982 so we clearly had to work the COREners and look for cobwebs.

8 bbsu

14 crunchy frogs

41 Freddy Merk

82 LBCs

This was completed in 4 corners or “7s “ formatting. Dumbledore was feeling the crunchy frogs and Goose assured him he would gain abs of steel as he advanced in the F3 school of witchcraft and wizardry.

To finish the MAX we needed an X

X Wings Flora

Partner up

100 merkins , 20 each set while P2 x wings

200 MC (40 each set while P2 X wings)

Great push here to ramp up the cardio on the MCs. Paradiddle barely made it out of Zone 1 but his joints will thank me when he’s still mosh pitting at 65. The pax will rest easy tonight knowing that Cardinal discovered soreness and mobility training in the same calendar year!

COT with special intentions for Bones recovery

Dumbledore prayed us out.

Always a great privilege to lead you men.

“Let us remember that love lives through sacrifice and is nourished by giving…Without sacrifice there is no love.” – St. Maximillian Kolbe

St Max Kolbe, Pray for us!

