One Dozen For PFC Jackson
One Dozen For PFC Jackson

One Dozen For PFC Jackson

QIC:Bushwacker and Turbo Tax
PAX:Bushwacker, Butt Splice, Captain Sparkles, Low Nays, MASH, Maverick, Moby Dick, Night Train, Steve, Tanked Up, THE Manny, and Turbo Tax

Do yourself a favor.  Visit the Congressional Medal of Honor website and read the commendation for our most recently departed patriot, Arthur J. Jackson, PFC, USMC.  PFC Jackson served our country with distinction in the Pacific during WWII, and his deeds on September 18th, 1944 deserve your attention.  We all like to believe that we would step up like PFC Jackson when called.  Most of us fortunately will never know.  However, all of us have the opportunity to step up in our daily lives in a more modest fashion to serve our families, friends, communities and country.  PFC Jackson’s story can inspire us to serve others with gratitude.

So after a brief disclaimer, a dozen PAX got underway this morning with the warmup.

Seal Jacks 20X IC

Mountain Climbers 20x IC

Copperhead Squats 20x IC

Butt Kicks 20x IC

Merkins 10x IC

SSH 20x IC

High Knees 20x IC

Windmills 20x IC

Then the PAX held an Al Gore while YHC read out PFC Jackson’s commendation.  It wasn’t short.

Bushwacker assumed the Q, and we set off with wobbly legs on a mosey.  Found a nice stretch of ground, and Bushwacker lined us up for a Caterpillar from bench to tree, about 30 yards.  An exercise that looks much easier on paper, the Caterpillar or Chattanooga Choo Choo is a bear.  A grunting, mumble chattering PAX held their low planks while one by one they jumped over one another in an excruciatingly slow march to the oak tree.

Bushwacker then handed off the Q baton to YHC.  Mosey to the harbor playground where we set up for a passing game using a lacrosse ball.  Counting off established the order of passing from PAX to PAX, and we attempted to keep the ball moving with one bounce passes.  The bad news is that the PAX needs to work on its communication and ball skills; the good news is that we paid the penalty of an exercise for each dropped pass and suffice it to say that we got our money’s worth on the exercise end of things.  Squat jumps, ice skater hops, split jumps, seal jacks, SSHs, Merkins…multiple reps of each multiple times.

Back to Bushwacker who brought us on a mosey back towards the flag.  Bushwacker pulled a new one out of his VQ hat, the dirty hook up.  An eight count exercise, the dirty hook up consists of a plank position start, stepping up to the sea wall for an Irkin, then stepping back down for a Merkin.  Apparently, Bushwacker dialed the intensity down for us because the sea wall was too short to do whatever his diabolical mind originally had contemplated but trust YHC the watered down version was plenty challenging.  And what it is about 8 count exercises that totally confuse the PAX on the count.  We’ve seen it with the 8 count bodybuilder multiple times, and here the counting confusion returned for the dirty hook up.

Final mosey back to the shovel flag where we finished things off with 50 long flutter kicks IC, a countorama, nameorama, and short prayer.  Off to the Beach House for our coffeeteria and some nice F2.

Good stuff this morning men.  Thanks for letting YHC and Bushwacker lead.


A few parting thoughts:

It is great to see new guys lead.  Moby and Bushwacker had their VQs this week, and we are seeing more and more PAX accept the challenge of leadership.

Convergence with F3NOLA on October 14th at the Mothership in City Park to celebrate F3NOLA’s 3rd anniversary.  F3 Northshore will clown car over.  Details to follow.  You will not want to miss what promises to be an epic beatdown.

Challenge yourself this month by participating in Iron Sharpens Iron.  Like Hawg’s invitation on the F3 Northshore Group Me, and Hawg will add you to the ISI group.  The only requirement to participation is a desire to make yourself better.

T claps to Captain Sparkles for committing to Site Q our new Friday morning beatdown, Captain’s Cove, a 10k weekly run.  It is great to see the Northshore PAX putting in the miles and dropping their times.

F3 is looking to expand to Baton Rouge but first we need to show some Redstickers what F3 is all about.  If you have a brother or friend who lives in the Baton Rouge area and needs F3 in his life, get busy with an EH and get him over to workout with us, the sooner the better.

Finally, get your F3 Northshore t-shirt order in.  The deadline is October 9th.  Steve did an amazing job with the design, and YHC bets that it will win some type of an Emmy award for t-shirts this year.