Renaissance Rock Fest
Renaissance Rock Fest

Renaissance Rock Fest

PAX:Dax, Gideon, Catfish, Belloq, Hokie Pokey, FracSac, #DJ Diver, Vagabond, Crikey

Eight Pax, plus our mascot DJ, showed for some work on the NOMA “porch” to the tunes of 1980’s arena rock, courtesy of Def Leppard, Rolling Stones, Ozzy, etc. (idea inspired by Scantron). After the disclaimer, warmup, the group performed 3 cycles of 7 maneuver sets (rotating push-ups, caterpillar + shoulder taps, crouching side-steps with lunges, J-Los, wife-pleaser + sit ups, bear crawls up/down steps, box-cutters), with mosey and burpees in between… once ‘round NOMA and the other to the park entrance. Finished off with a double dose of Sunday Mornings behind NOMA, then circled up at the flag for COT. We were excited to see FracSac posting! One late-comer joined the workout after the start but did not join us for coffeeteria, I believe F3 named “Kruckie” or similar…if someone has his contact info, I’ll reach out to get him connected (musician from Australia). As for Vagabond, his third Q on the books and looks forward to helping more.