Some Things to Consider – from Tinkles
Some Things to Consider – from Tinkles

Some Things to Consider – from Tinkles

PAX:Bones, Old Bay, Mariah, Bieber, Moana, Sandbar, Seaman, Reluctant Yankee, Peppa, Landing Strip

I do not think I have ever actually taken the time to honor MLK day. Maybe in elementary school before it was holiday. Though back then it could have been mentioned in the context of replacing Robert E. Lee day. Embarrassing to admit, but of course change only comes when you are willing to take an honest look at things. I have never been against the holiday, though I certainly looked at it as a day off or an opportunity for a long weekend. But this is what we all love about F3. Of course, the challenges are physical en face, but those of us that stick with F3 realize that its being challenged in ways much beyond the physical are what keeps us coming back. I couldn’t be prouder of my 45+ minutes spent today with my brothers.

I enjoy history and geography and was vaguely familiar with the story behind the Black Pearl neighborhood. I did not know that before it was the Black Pearl it was N-town. Before it was N-town it was N-town sans abbreviation. It was home to many of the domestic employees and laborers that powered to Uptown economy. It is now 67% white. Despite this changing demographic, it is still home to highest density of churches (not verified) that you will find in a neighborhood. One of those churches is Mount Moriah Baptist Church. Mahalia Jackson, the famous New Orleans gospel singer, got her start at this very church. The most pleasant surprise of my reading was that Mahalia Jackson sang the opening hymn before Dr. Martin Luther King’s ‘dream’ speech at the National Mall! I amazed at the blessings to be found should you be willing to look for them. Thanks to those who joined me this morning.

The Thang:
• Warm-up: SSH X 28 (mind fart, no meaning), Grass grabber X 20, IW X 20, Hillbilly X 20
• Black Pearl neighborhood run and tour:

o Broadway Mission Baptist Church: standard plank for 2 minutes
o Mount Moriah Baptist Church: elbow plank for 2 minutes
o Greater Pleasant Green Baptist Church: panther plank for 2 minutes
o Plymouth Rock Baptist Church: side plank/arm raise 1 minute each side
o Zion Travelers Baptist Church: contralateral arm and leg up and hold, 1 minute each side
o Williams United Methodist Church: elbow plan/arm raise 1 minute each side
o St. Charles Avenue Baptist Church: merkin ring of fire x 3

• Drew Brees memorial, 9 burpees in front of Drew Brees’s house (it is F3 afterall)

Back to the flag and few minutes late and with Landing Strip walking slow to avoid a mid workout poop (moop). Great talk lead by Sandbar about how MLK often spoke of the importance of communities coming together in times of crisis. Words that definitely apply today. Thanks for the opportunity to lead!