Stair climb  rain out (Lightning)
Stair climb rain out (Lightning)

Stair climb rain out (Lightning)

QIC:Captain Sparkles
PAX:Shooter, Chewy, Coconuts & Captain Sparkles

Well since Captain Sparkles is starting to prepare for the annual 911 New Orleans Memorial Stair Climb it was on his agenda to incorporate the Mandeville Trailhead stairs into the Beatdown.
But Mother Nature had other plans throwing some lightning around.
So for the warm up.

Side straddle hops originally planned on 20 but with late comer Chewy felt the need to extend the count so Chewy wouldn’t miss out on a few so extended it to 50 as I was approaching 50 got some mumbling from Mr Shooter thinking it would never end. Lol.

25 Imperial walkers in cadence
25 mountain climbers in cadence

The Thang

Partner up for sit ups
50 each
50 Merkins or your best without stopping
35 sit-ups
35 Merkins
15 sit-ups
15 Merkins
Totaling 100 of each
Jog to bus stop in remembrance of Steve
His favorite. Yep on benches
10 Freak Nasty’s
10 box jumps
10 Freak Nasty’s
5 box jumps
10 Freak Nasty’s
3 box jumps so I’m out of shape
Jog back to Trailhead
2 min. Forearm plank
25 flutter kicks in cadence
2 min. Elevate legs 6” above ground or as long as you can.
30 right leg step ups
30 left leg step ups
Gave last 3 min. To Chewy for some stretching exercises.