Start with Shoes off???
Start with Shoes off???

Start with Shoes off???

At 0630 after a brief intro and disclaimer by Hokie, Hokie and Catfish decided to lead 4 Pax in some new stuff focusing on strengthening our feet, arches of our feet, and toes by asking the Pax to remove their shoes.

Part of the disclaimer by Hokie was not all workouts have to be beatdowns, even when Catfish is involved 😉 The links for these new exercises are and

We did have a 5th Pax join us during our Foot Focus warm ups

After 10 minutes of foot focused exercises we continued our warm up with big arm circles both forward and backward and Abe Vigodas

The Cinderblock party then started with 1 minute of right leg step ups onto the cider blocks raising trailing knee as high as possible and 1 minute of left leg step ups, followed by 4 minutes of burpees jumping over the cinder blocks after each burpee. Then 1 minute of right leg step up and leap over the cinder blocks and one minute repeat with left leg.

Next was another disclaimer about protecting our backs followed by two minutes of lunges with twists while holding cinder blocks close to our chests and two minutes of Sumo Squats with Cinder blocks.

We concluded our front of NOMA tour with two minutes of bench presses with cinder blocks before doing farmer carries with two cinder blocks each to the back of NOMA.

Once at the back of NOMA, before closing with our usual Sunday Morning ritual, we assumed one legged endurance squats with left leg up followed by one minute right leg up while in squat position…. no cinder blocks!!! We finished with Sunday mornings and a farmers carry back to the flag.

It is always a pleasure to create something new to change up our workouts so we can not be accused of being predictable. I thank Catfish for the very different beginning and would not be surprised to see us do that again as I believe all agreed it was good!

We closed with our COT lifting up our F3 brothers and giving thanks for F3!

All in attendance left with two party favors, their own set up two F3 coupons. We then had 120% attendance at coffeeteria as Gabby joined us at PJ’s.