Steely-Eyed High Impact Men…and Superman PJs
Steely-Eyed High Impact Men…and Superman PJs

Steely-Eyed High Impact Men…and Superman PJs

PAX:Bushwacker, Moby Dick, Shooter, Tanked Up and TurboTax

Four steely-eyed High Impact Men, one in his Superman PJ bottoms (whose name shall not be mentioned although it rhymes with Tushwacker), joined YHC this morning at The Gipper.  T-claps to these men for conquering the fartsack on a rainy, cold and gloomy morning.  It was definitely sleeping weather at 0600.

One of the great things about The Gipper AO is that it has several covered areas.  The PAX made full use of them this morning to stay relatively dry while exercising to bring the heat.

Warmup on the Bandstand:

SSH, IW, Merkins, Toe Touches, Torso Twists, Shoulder Circles, and OH Hand Claps, most IC 20x.

Mosey to the Train Platform:

Mobility and plyometric work for a steady 20 minutes or so, including skipping, bounding, caricoa, lunge walks, bounce extends, frog jumps, lateral/vertical jump combos, one legged hops as well as some accelerations/sprints.

Mosey to The Gipper HQ:

Four rounds of Merkin variations, squat/jump variations, and Good Morning variations, all IC 20x.

Then some Mary to wrap things up:  over/under flutter kicks, jackknives, and of course Supermans, again all IC 20x.

Countorama, nameorama, and a prayer of recognition for the gift of today and the opportunity to serve as a positive force in the world.

Thanks for suffering with me in the Gloom this morning men.


T claps to Moby who, at 67 years old, posted in the nasty weather despite a sore Achilles.  Unable to execute the mobility and plyometric exercises, Moby held a People’s Chair for what seemed like forever and otherwise kept himself moving.  Now that’s a steely-eyed High Impact Man for you.