SwoleFest has Backblasts too – from Thumb War
SwoleFest has Backblasts too – from Thumb War

SwoleFest has Backblasts too – from Thumb War

Mosey over the bridge to the Labyrinth for Warmup:

Grass grabbers
Peter Parkers
Parker peters
Mountain climbers
Arm Circles F & B
Self love

*All In Cadence


*Partner up with 2 blocks. Pax 1 carries the block for a trip up and leaves at the top for Pax 2 to pick up return the block back to the start when it’s his turn.

50 block burpees
100 Block Merkins
200 LBC’s no block
300 Squats with block
200 Freddie mercuries no block (2 is 1)
100 block swings
50 thrusters

Saban’s team finished up first and he started some Mary as the pax finished up.

YHC’s team finished up as Six at 6:13 with just enough time finish this week’s edition of Swole Fest with guns work and Colt 45’s. (Visit Exicon for description).

COT with spoken prayer intentions for Gabby’s family still grieving the loss of his Father in Law and for the Pearl Harbor anniversary and former, current and future veterans. Announcements:
-City Park Clean up this Saturday after The Ship
-F3 Christmas celebration next Saturday. Bring the M’s and 2.0’s

*YHC had a playlist to push us through and Amnesty approved!!