Green Screen
Green Screen

The Back Nine

After some last minute scouting, YHC pulled up without a minute to spare. The disclaimer was given, including a word of caution about possible broken ankles, and we moseyed to the Great Lawn for the warm-up Warm-Up This month is Run Ranger Run and every yard counts, so YHC forwent …

The Running Ship

Today’s the day for the inaugural Muscle Ship at City Park, so YHC decided to emphasize the difference between the workouts – for one day, the Mothership became the Running Ship. As the 15 PAX gathered in the gloom (after a brisk 3 mile pre-thang run) YHC gave notice that …

Partnering in the dark

6:30 am on the last day before Daylight Savings Time ends is, surprisingly at least to YHC, quite dark.  YHC had plans that included moseying through the forest over to the track – its been a while since we hit the track at the Mothership – but decided to improvise …