Jesus Juice
Jesus Juice

Another Q, Another Stupid Idea (The Reprise) – from Hawgcycle

Conditions: Cool and a little windy. The lake was choppy Pax: Abacus, Cheese Steak, Cyber Cajun, Glitter Balls, YHC, Jesus Juice, JV, Kuch, Mahatma, Ralph Machio (Charlotte) Today’s classic Okwata beatdown was a reprisal from March 3rd, 2016. The Original workout was attended by Griswold, Tool, and YHC. The Thang …

The Turtle – from Fracsac

The last time YHC posted at the Foundry is unknown. It could likely be found, but what’s the point? It was long ago….too long. YHC saw the Q sheet open and made the commitment to return. Saban, Jesus Juice, Tool, Sandberg, and BayWatch made it clear they were ready! We …

The 210 Stomp – from Rudy

Its Twos-Day, 2/22/2022. As promised, a new route led to an easter egg on the Strava map (yes, a 2 mile out-and-back that formed a 2). And what better way to celebrate than by running in my tutu… Thanks High Rise for pacing and pushing me! And congrats to the …