Out For Justice
Out For Justice

Partnering in the dark

6:30 am on the last day before Daylight Savings Time ends is, surprisingly at least to YHC, quite dark.  YHC had plans that included moseying through the forest over to the track – its been a while since we hit the track at the Mothership – but decided to improvise …

Teamwork makes the DREAM WORK!

Your QIC had a really rough week with work and dealing with trolls on Social Media.  It’s crazy how people act so ugly and with such vitriol, when behind a computer screen and it has bled over into face to face encounters.  After witnessing the unraveling of civility in our society …

Chromosomes & Hooters

Eight men mustured up the energy and desire to get stronger in City Park this am.  Some of the other Wed regulars must have have decided to get their beauty rest in preparation for the H8 tomorrow.  The rest of us reached down, grabbed a pair, and assembled on Roosevelt …

Oh! It’s a Murph Day???

A few brave souls showed up at the Foundry for a Murph. A few more showed up because they didn’t look at the schedule and know it was a Murph Day. 😉 Explained a Murph, Disclaimer and let’s mosey: -run 1 mile to the Foundry -100 pull-ups -200 merkins -300 …

Fracsac’s Foundry

YHC filled the empty Q spot at the Foundry less than a day earlier.  Upon waking up to the pitter patter of rain on the roof, YHC was thinking that was a bad idea.  Then the phrase “rain or shine” came to mind, and all was better.  The rain actually …

Leave No Man Behind

Pre-Thang The night before, YHC attended Martini Madness and had to behave himself by not indulging in every kind of vodka available.  Thank goodness that event ended at 11 p.m.  YHC woke up at 5:00 a.m. because he was excited to Q his first Mothership.  YHC got to the AO …

Mea Culpa Can Be Hell

YHC did a no-show the prior Saturday.  He was in Oregon, and neglected to check that he was the Q.  Bad pax, bad pax.  Thank the Sky-Q that Rudy wasn’t there to remind everyone.  Tclaps Rudy for your fartsackery.  So when 86 called out for a switcheroo Q, YHC had …