The 610 Stomp
The 610 Stomp


15 strong at The Stomp for a straightforward run for my VQ.   The exercise:  run 20 minutes out then 20 minutes in with 10 burpees at the halfway mark.   Following a quick explanation that consisted of the entirety of the previous paragraph and the obligatory disclaimer (for the record, I …

Jazz fest stomp

Im over a week late so apologies if I missed anyone or got their name wrong. We mixed it up this morning. We stayed together for the most part for the first half and had some jazz fest artists’ music playing in the background. After disclaimer, we did some quick …

A Fill in Fartlekker

Rudy’s not allowed to Fartlek right now, so he needed a fill in for the 610 Stomp. YHC is an old Fartlekker so it was not a probably for me. I showed up at roughly 0529:40 and gave the disclaimer. It was a beautiful day for a run. Here’s how …

Speed workout

Something different for pax this morning at 610 stomp, some speed work at the track. Isn’t this why we set up the workout near the track, yet we always head away from it? In any event it is great timing for those getting ready for CCC on the 20th. Here …

Sticking to the Classics

YHC and Ya Mom n’dem learned Monday morning as they rode in the Lakeview clown car home from Rock City that Abacus would not be able to Q the Stomp today. Instead of throwing it out to the Mumblechatter in search of a Q, an idea was born: why not …