
Trail Run #2

Tclaps to Amnesty for getting this trail run idea started back during the beginning of Covid. Here we go for round #2! Stayed up late trying to plan a workout in a space with a lot of unknowns. Then, naturally, my youngest woke up at 2:30. The fear of oversleeping …

Swolefest 10-5-2020

The Swolefest AO is a great place to start off the week. Throwing around the cinderblock is a good way to get the blood pumping and the body moving. Today was no different. When 5:30am hit, I issued the disclaimer and then we proceeded with the warmup: WarmUp: Side straddle …


I was on the drive home from Florida when I realized that I had the Q on Monday morning for swolefest. I had a lot on my mind as I was thinking about my dad and who he was and what he meant to me. I wanted to offer a …

Gnarly Nutria Prep

6 men arrived at City Park for a little beat down on the morning of the Gnarly Nutria. The prep work for the Gnarly Nutria was not to run, save the legs, plain and simple. The usual disclaimer and off we go. We moseyed to the track for the Thang. …

Wisner Mountain 2.0

After Kuch led a heck of a beatdown last week at the Wisner Mountain we discussed moving our AO a little closer to the overpass so we wouldn’t spend quite as much time running to and from the bottom of the overpass. We all agreed to set our AO over …

Swole Fest IV

Mondays at City Park Children’s Museum have become cinder block work-outs with minimal to no running. 8 strong. 35# cinder blocks. Disclaimer. Short mosey, and off we go. Warm-up COP: SSH x 20 IC, IW x 20 IC, Grass grabbers x 10 IC, Arm circles 10 forwards 10 backwards, Windmills …