The Great Lawn
The Great Lawn

The Great Lawn

QIC:Frac Sac
PAX:Da Parish, Whoop, Chop Shop, Jingle Vader, Rudy, Walleye, Reluctant Yankee, Hawgcycle, Maverick, Kim chi, Bogey, Tinkles, Triple Shift, Mulligan, Tool, Bongo, Papa Bear, Out for Justice, Fracsac (QIC), Oo Lala (FNG), Kennah Brah (FNG), Meatball (FNG), Simba (FNG), Barely Legal (FNG)

With the Rock ‘n’ Roll 5k scheduled in City Park, the PAX was warned ahead of time that parking might be an issue. YHC joined Da Parish as he ran past my block, making for some good F2 on the way to the Mothership. Upon arrival to the VSF at 0622, we find Bogey (rumor has it he was brought in via drone), and YHC thought the 5k would keep the PAX numbers low. The PAX slowly started to grow, until 23 men stood ready. Hawgcycle came rolling in on his bike from Morning Call where the 3rd F took place at 0600 for bible study, but still not sure why he had to ride. I guess he was just Born To Be Wild!
YHC had a beatdown planned that kept the PAX at the Great Lawn, as it could have been trouble getting around with the 5k ongoing. With 24 eager men of F3 ready to roll, YHC gave the brief disclaimer, and we were off on a mosey to the Great Lawn for:

The Thang

COP #1
SSH x 31 IC (Cause 31 is what we do)
10 x Burpees OYO
IW x 15 IC
9 Burpees OYO
Windmills (Abe Vigoda) x 10 IC
8 Burpees OYO – the PAX started to see where this was going, but not much mumble chatter – Burpees have that effect
Woodchucks x 10 IC
7 Burpees OYO
Hill Billy’s x 15 IC
6 Burpees OYO
Arm Circles IC 10 x F and 10 x B
5 Burpees OYO
Peter Parkers x 10 IC
6 Plank Jacks IC – The Burpee ladder down ended, time to climb back up with PJ’s Plank-o-rama style!
Parker Peter x 10 IC
7 PJ’s IC
Mountain Climber x 10 IC
8 PJ’s IC
Shoulder Taps x 10 IC
9 PJ’s IC
Plank Walks x 10 IC
10 PJ’s IC

Frac Dora
Pair up. PAX 1 starts with exercise while PAX 2 runs to the four corners of the Great Lawn with 5 x Burpee at 1st corner, 10 x IW at 2nd corner, 15 x MH at 3rd corner, and 20 x squats at 4th corner, then relieve partner for continuation of cummalitive exercise:
100 x merkins
200 x LBFC’s (Little Baby Flutter Crunches)
300 x squat jumps
Once PAX finish exercise, continue running outside corner circuit until all PAX complete.

All PAX run to the corners of the Great Lawn(2 corners twice obviously) for 5 x Burpees 1st corner, 10 x Lunges 2nd corner, 15 x IW 3rd corner, 20 x merkins 4th corner, 25 x PJ’s back at 1st corner, and 30 x squats at 2nd corner.

COP #2 – Partner Mary
Partner up for some Abdominal Fun:
One PAX down and holds the second standing PAX legs for support – Leg Throws x 15 – alternate left, right, and center. Switch positions.
On your six, lock legs and do alternating situps x 30 (15 for each PAX)
Rinse & Repeat for a total of 3 times

Final Mary
With time running out, time to get in a little more of our favorite gal, Mary!
Flutter Kicks x 20 IC
Tin Snips x 15 IC
Freddie Mercury x 15 IC
Box Cutters x 15 IC
Hello Dolly’s x 15 IC

With the sound of the 5k starting gun, YHC knew it was 0730 and time to mosey back to the VSF. Count off, namorama, and FNG naming ceremony. Then finished it off with announcements, and intentions in the COT.

Mole Skin
Run Ranger Run in support of the Gallant Few Non-Profit is underway, and we’re well on our way to achieving 565 miles through walking, running, biking, and swimming in the month of February. RRR is a movement to help bring awareness to the issues our service members and Veterans face as they transition from active military service to civilian life. It’s not too late to join us, just send a note to and Hawg will give you the link.
T-Claps to Triple Shift for bringing in 5 FNG’s to the Mothership! You are the EH Guru!
T-Claps to KimChi for not missing a single post to date in the 2017 NYR challenge. You have my respect, Brother! Keep it up!

Most people don’t know that I was a commercial diver that worked in the Gulf of Mexico for 15 years before taking an office position for the last 10 years. Staying in shape as a diver was easy, but an office job with no exercise is a recipe for weight gain! Thanks to the PAX for the camaraderie and for pushing me to become better.
One thing we also kept handy while working offshore was duct tape. It was the one thing that could hold anything together, even underwater! The ends of the rope are frayed? Grab the duct tape! Boots are falling apart? Grab some duct tape and wrap ’em! Need a Back Blast to know the PAX that posted? I guess we need to work on that one!

This was my first Mothership Q. Thanks for letting me lead!

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