What I Did On My Summer Vacation
What I Did On My Summer Vacation

What I Did On My Summer Vacation

PAX:Blackbird, Einstein, Captain Sparkles, Grundy, Moby Dick, Ocho, Shooter, Steve, Tanked-Up, Turbo-Tax

on the first day of my summer vacation
I woke up…
then I went downtown…
to look for a job…
then I hung out in front of the drugstore

on the second day of my summer vacation
I woke up…
then I went downtown…
to look for a job…
then I hung out in front of the drugstore….. “Cheech and Chong, Sister Mary Elephant”

T-claps to any PAX member who can tell me the job Chong got on his day three.
And double T-claps to any PAX member who can tell me who Sister Mary Elephant was substituting for.


The PAX, on their Summer Vacation…traveled Route 66. Starting with One Burpee at the first station, we headed to the next station,
increasing the burpee count by one, for a total of 66 burpees per PAX member at 11 stations. Or in Einstein shorthand: total burpees=((N*(N+1))/2)


To the best of my recall; here is how it went

Short Disclaimer …I don’t know why the PAX was laughing at this point

all 20xIC; side straddle hops,windmills,imperial walkers,toe touches,hillbillys,arm circles,lunges,side straddle hops in squat position

mosey to the school board building (Taj Mahal) parking lot
Two Burpees
pillar push for 20 count; rinse and repeat x3

mosey to the front of the Taj Mahal
Three Burpees
circle up by the flagpole – step back about 5 yards out
bearcrawl in, shoulder taps, crawlbear out, merkins; rinse a repeat x3

mosey to the back of the St.Tammany Parish Courthouse Annex parking garage,
Four Burpees
backwards lunge walk halfway up the first floor ramp
turn and sprint up rest of the way
Five Burpess
jog/walk across the second floor ramp
Six Burpees
backwards lunge walk halfway up third floor ramp
turn and crossover hop up rest of the way
Seven Burpees

on the top deck of the parking garage
enter Senor oCho nUeve, just in time for…
Eight Burpees
some more merkins
scout run across the parking deck with front man sprinting out 10 paces, turn around then queue at the back of the line
Nine Burpees

mosey to the front of the St. Tammany Parish Courthouse
circle up around the military monuments
merkin and fiddler crab crawl counter-clockwise,9 more merkins all around the cicle
merkin and fiddler crab crawl left clockwise, 9 more merkins all around the cicle
Ten Burpees

mosey back to the trail head
ELEVEN Burpees

20xIC bicycles
20xIC dollys


count-o-rama, prayer led by Grundy, we bid our adieus and head out to take on the day.


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