Whose Flag is That Anyway? – from Bushwacker
Whose Flag is That Anyway? – from Bushwacker

Whose Flag is That Anyway? – from Bushwacker

PAX:Garfield , Junior Varsity

YHC FINALLY remembered to bring a truckload of shovel flags from the Fury, and, somehow still went home with 2/3 of them 🤔

Good temp, succinct warm-orama, great cameo! Let me speak only honest words: QIC was relieved to not see Speedy upon last-second arrival. First “shared run” on new shoes, humidity on the rise again and YHC in less than peak form, you’ll forgive El Wackador if inner jubilation was present. I still love you Speedy.😘

The consummate odd couple of Severn Ave. decided to ruck off in the direction of Sunset Point whilst the remaining trio ran for just over 4 miles that both broke down my silent resolve to be silent, and had a former Scramble shuffler potentially EH’d to return as maybe ruckless rucker? Good ol’ Garfield ran a little stretch of the lakefront with the crew, aflight such as we were.

A brief slathering of yoga-esque recovery until the ruckers descended on the flag(s) deep in the throws of discourse.

Count/name, Zoorich Classic Saturday – bring frisbees and friends if you’ve got either. Men’s dinner at St Timothy tonight @6:30 hit up Russo if interested in going. JV prayed us out.

Many thanks, gents!