Spartacus Two Rounds
Spartacus Two Rounds

Spartacus Two Rounds

PAX:Hawgcycle, Duct Tape, Bubba, Maverick, Marlin, Kimchi, Jingle Vader, Bogie, Rudy, Shorty, Amnesty-YHC

DISCLAIMER and let’s mosey to the Warm-Up COP:
-SSH x 30 IC
-IW x 30 IC
-Mt Climbers x 20 IC
-Arm Circles x 30 IC (15 ea. dir.)
-J-Lo’s x 20 IC
Grab a rock, medium, one you won’t drop on your head…Let’s mosey to the shelter (cuz it has benches).
It’s time for some Spartacus. The timer on my phone had us working out for 1 minute with a 15 sec rest for each exercise:
-Goblet Squat w/ rock
-Feet-Elevated Mountain Climbers
-Kettlebell Swing w/ rock
-Step up, alternating legs with or without rocks
-Rock Row
-Side Lunge and Touch Rock (like moving the virtual rock pile back and forth)
-Rock Lunge and Rotation
-Rock Push Press
Rinse and Repeat for a total of two rounds.

A special shout out to Bogie for the tantalizing rendition of Row Row Row Your Boat….during the Rock Row.

There’s just enough time to send the rocks home and head to the flag.

COT: countoff, namerama, announcements, shoutouts and a prayer. See you in the Gloom!