Napoleon Dynamite: “How long did it take you to grow that mustache?” Pedro: “A couple of days.”
Napoleon Dynamite: “How long did it take you to grow that mustache?” Pedro: “A couple of days.”

Napoleon Dynamite: “How long did it take you to grow that mustache?” Pedro: “A couple of days.”

PAX:El~Kid(FNG), Einstein, Feedback, Grundy, MobyDick, Shooter, Steve, Tanked-Up, TurboTax

A PAX of nine posted this day with an age spread from 17 to 67…so we had something for everyone today, working on our “skills.”  “You know, like nunchuck skills, bo hunting skills, computer hacking skills. Girls only like guys who have great skills.”

So with the stoicism of Pedro, we took off, and here’s how it went:


short disclaimer

21xIC side straddle hops
21xIC lunges
21xIC imperial walkers
21xIC toe touches
21xIC hillbillys
21xIC squats
21xIC buttkicks

mosey to the front of St. Tammany School Board TajMahal
circle-up around the flagpole, the group does one merkin…and holds in plank position, while one PAX member jumps up, runs up the stairs, down the stairs, around and back into position
group does one merkin, and the next guy runs the loop – did this for each member of the PAX
next; form a circle about 10 foot radius from flagpole, race bearcrawl to flag pole, crab crawl back to starting point.
next; form a circle about 20 foot radius from flagpole, race bearcrawl to flag pole, crab crawl back to starting point.

mosey to the back of the St. Tammany Parish Courthouse Annex parking garage
lunge walk backwards half way up the first floor ramp, turn and sprint up rest of the way
jog across the second floor ramp,
lunge walk backwards half way up the third floor ramp, turn and sprint up rest of the way,

then on the top deck of the parking garage
4x sprint across the width of the deck, derkin
next; modified grizzly/indian run, with last man in line doing a burpee on “grizzly” command, then run to first position
I forgot to say “grizzly” most of the time, but everyone got the idea.



mosey down the stairs to the “Noodling for Rats” ledge
5 pull-ups, 20 curb hop/toe taps



mosey to the front of the Courthouse, for lateral bench hops on your own



mosey back to the trailhead flag for few minutes of Mary
360 planks x5
one arm planks, left then right


count-o-rama, name-o-rama, lead-out prayer by MobyDick, we bid adieu

Welcome FNG…..El~Kid

Happy Birthday MobyDick at 67 !!!



“April hath put a spirit of youth in everything.” ― William Shakespeare




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