Month: <span>July 2017</span>
Month: July 2017

Manpower > Horsepower

Another steamy morning in City Park last Wednesday.  A spot opened up on the Q schedule a few days prior so YHC hopped on it since it looked to be a light turnout (The Plunge got bumped to Wednesday as well) and would pose the right set of conditions for …

Newton, Euclid, Archimedes, Gauss, Descartes, Pythagoras

What these men have in in common with each other, they most assuredly do not have in common with the Northshore Pax.  More on that later. Pre-Pre-Thang.  0600 Ei’s personal goal of running 20 miles this week crept its way into the F3 workout this Saturday.  Our normal Pre-Thang 2 …

Amnesty Mountain

My driver got me there just in time to run up to a group of men filled with anxiety, mixed with fear…and proclaim the disclaimer.  Mosey.  Hey look!  Hawg rolled in hot as usual.  We picked up Shorty on the way…  We circled up on what is claimed to be the …