Homeless Hop or How Shooter Stole the Scramble…Almost
Homeless Hop or How Shooter Stole the Scramble…Almost

Homeless Hop or How Shooter Stole the Scramble…Almost

PAX:Bushwacker, Shooter, Steve The Pelican, Waterpic (I seriously need to remember how to spell that)

Arriving in da gloom to find the Northshore Core anxiously awaiting the chance to activate their wonder twins powers, YHC was still contemplating whether or not to break out the toys. Not much time to ruminate on that possibility because, as seasoned PAX do, Waterpik and The Pelican pulled up simultaneously with no more time to spare. About to break the mumble chatter and get things going, YHC was precluded by the thief-in-the-night (or darkened dawn),  Shooter, who tried to oust today’s leadership from he was was listed on the schedule. Ok, we get it. This is YOUR AO, yeesh talk about a control freak! Proper order was quickly restored in the humblest of fashions and the warm-o-rama was under way.

20xs each IC:


High Knees

Butt Kicks

Toe Touches

On the 5K we went, passing as we always do in front of City Hall on our way to the streets. This guy always contemplates whether to run through or around the tax-payer demanded gazebo in the middle of the sidewalk in front of da mayor’s office, but today the decision was not mine to make. The openings were blocked with bikes and  what looked like a parachute was spread over the circular floor. To alleviate any remaining doubts, as we jogged by we heard muffled barking emanating from under said parachute. Honestly, I felt bad – we probably scared the sh!+ out of whoever was under there.

The mosey continued on with an abrupt stop for 20 merkins at Monroe before proceeding to the loop and then sunset point. It was here that Steve and YHC noticed the infuriatingly hapless boxes of popeye’s on the ground in the parking area…20 or so feet from a garbage can! Upon returning from the pier’s terminus, we stopped for 25 LBCs and picked up the aforementioned refuse… and of course the challenge was on. Each man made it their mission to find some litter they could grab and pitch, with Shooter going for bonus points after being called out for a blatant missed beer can.

With 10 minutes for Mary, it was play time! I brought out The Beatdown Blocks! The Dice of DOOM! To all but Steve, this new form of torture was a welcome surprise. First introduced on the rainy Saturday morning the week before the convergence, these black and gold gambling devices have one block of exercises (merkins, putins, jump squats, SSH, burpees, and “WILD Q”) and one block with rep counts (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and the dreaded 50). The Pelican started us off with 5 merkins before Shooter once again moved to steal the show by rolling 50 burpees! In an attempt to repect the time QIC feebly tried to cut us off at 25, but Steve gallantly sacrificed his roll in order that we may complete the torture we were due. With little left in the tank, we were releived to see Waterpik roll a mild 15 Putins, and YHC roll 5 “WILD Q” for which I chose pull ups. We then circled up and closed out F3 style…with Shooter trying one last time to display his larcenous tendencies by attempting to usurp the closing prayer from a beleaguered Pelican, who took us out with appreciation in our hearts.

I can understand why Shooter wanted to lead so badly today, because it is a  humbling honor to lead you guys in our time of fruitful brotherhood!


ISI is always better with your homies, and today’s ISI challenge was no exception. With 2 minutes of Heel Pulses, sometimes one can do nothing but laugh;)