Got a spare???
Got a spare???

Got a spare???

PAX:Mobie, Grundy, Shooter, Maverick, Tanked Up, Turbo, Blue Hen, Water pick, EI, Bushwacker, Dr. NO, Garfield, Poop Eye, Pot Hole

The beautiful weather brought the largest group of pacs that we have seen a while at the Mothership. We had 15 total including three FNG’s. I am glad that I brought some coupons with me, so that I would not dissapoint.


SS Hops-25 IC, Seal Jacks- 25 IC, IMW’s-25 IC, High Knees- 25 IC, Butt Kicks-25 IC, Forward Arm Rolls- 10IC, Reverse Arms Rolls -10 IC, Overhead Claps – 15 IC


Bearmuda TIRE angle

All pacs divide into three groups. Each group starts at one of three different stations. These stations are the sea wall, THE Tire, and a soft patch of green grass that is covered in the morning dew and one land mine. The exercises that were performed at each station went as follows:

Station 1(seawall) – 10 Irkins, Station 2(patch of grass) – 10 Merkins, Station 3(tire) – 10 Derkins- (pacs’ feet were on the tire)

Rinse and repeat this until all groups have done each station 3 times.

When moving from one station to the next, all pacs must do a bear crawl to get there, hence bearmude TIRE angle.

Just for the heck of it, we got back into a large circle and did 10 Merkins IC.

Bearmuda TIRE angle 2.0

This is a little twist on the previous circuit of exercises. The groups and stations were kept the same, but the exercises and how you got there changed.

Station 1- 5 Step Ups each leg, Station 2-10 Copper Head Squats, Station 3- 10 tire(box) jumps

All pacs had to bunny hop to get to each station.

Recipe for Humble Pie = 1/2 of beatdown + 250lb tire flip

I was suprised that I was able to finish the rest of the beat down due to me being so full from the HUGE piece of humble pie I had to eat before the next part of the beatdown started. While attempting to show the rest of the pacs the technique in flipping a tire, I quickly learned that the beatdown I was throwing at my fellow pacs had sucked a good bit of engergy out of me. So much, that I could not flip the tire solo. I had to call an audible……..

Pacs break into groups of two. Each group flips the tire together 5 times. After each flip, the pacs flipping the tire do 1 burpee. While waiting for groups to complete tire flips, the other pacs are doing various plancs including regular, right arm, left arm, as well as some merkings and air presses.

TIRE Throw

Now we did not try to throw this monstrosity, but we did TRY to throw a football through it.

Each pac took a try at making a 15 yard throw  through the tire.

If the pac attempting the throw, made it through, NO BURPEES. If you hit the tire, 2 BURPEES. If you missed the tire completely, 3 BURPEES.

Since no one made it through the tire, we all had to do 10 BURPEES.

Indian Run back to Flag. Wait a second. There was no flag. Steve, where ya’t!!!!

With 5 minutes left, we wrapped things up with some Mary.

LBC’s – 20 IC, Puttins – 20 IC, Crunchie Frugs – 20 IC,  Freddie Mercuries- 20 IC, Flutter Kicks -15 IC, Straigh Leg Lifts – 10IC

T-Claps to Shooter for helping me transport the TIRE to and from the AO.

The newest members to F3, Dr. NO, Pot Hole, and oh yes, Poop Eye, did a great job on their first beatdown.